All of us at Mapleton Canyon Family Dental meet with patients that ask for tips and tricks on how to take better care of their teeth. You’ll be happy to hear that having a healthy smile isn’t difficult to achieve. If you’re wondering how you can improve your dental health, read on. Below we share our top 5 things to know in order to maintain good oral health:

1. Brush Twice A Day

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many patients admit to “forgetting” to brush sometimes. Don’t skip it! This is the key component to a healthy smile.

2. Floss At Least Once A Day

It’s also important to stay on top of your flossing. This will rid your teeth of plaque that builds up throughout the day and protect you from tooth decay.

3. Avoid Soda

The ingredients in soda and other soft drinks weaken teeth by eroding the enamel. Avoid soft drinks if you can. Otherwise, be sure to brush and floss shortly after drinking them.

4. Maintain A Healthy Diet

Eating right will help keep your teeth healthy. This means avoiding processed sugars and starches that can wreak havoc on your teeth.

5. Don’t Skip Dental Cleanings

Make sure you visit the dentist regularly even if you have superb dental hygiene habits. Visit us at least once every 6 months so that all preventative measures can be taken to ensure you have a healthy smile.

It’s pretty simple to have good dental health – just follow these 5 tips! If you have further questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us! We are here to improve your dental health.


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